So, this is a look that I have sported a few times and I love it! It's very classic and gives me a classy type of bang whenever I want it. Every time I wear it, people ask, "How do you do that???" "Does it take a long time?" etc. Today, my fine friends, I will share my secrets with you. Step by step.
Step 1: Start with clean hair. I know that everyone says hair is easier to style into updos with dirty hair, but because this is basically a pony-tail, you don't want to have greasy hair showing. Also, you can wear this style down, which I think looks even better, but I have to have hair pulled back for work.
Step 2: Divide a fairly large section of hair from the front middle of the hair. This will be your swirl. I usually go as far back as the ears, but depending on if you have fine hair or thick hair, you might need more or less.
Step 3: Hold section of hair straight up and spray thoroughly with hair spray. Comb through once and then spray lightly again. Keep holding hair up until the hair spray has dried. This could take up to a minute..
Step 4: At about three to four inches away from the scalp, start to loosely twirl the hair with your index finger; just you would do if you were playing with your hair normally. Now pull the hair forward and lay the swirled section to one side. One side might look better than the other for you. Mine always looks best to the right. Bring the twirled hair in a chunk back to the top of back in it's proper direction. This is the hardest part, so feel free to try it a few times.
Step 5: Pin the hair just behind where you separated the hair. I also put one pin in the front up underneath the curl so that it is hidden but gives it a bit more support.
Step 6: Adjust the curl to give it the most volume possible and then spray again with hair spray.
Step 7: Smooth fly-aways while the spray is still damp.
Ta-daaaa! It might not come out just the way you want the first time, but keep practicing. I'd love to hear if these instructions help, or even better post pictures and link my blog to them! I'll be posting lots of helpful tips or just fashion pics. And, If you'd like to see a video tutorial, please comment and let me know!
Ahora en español,
Paso 1: Empezá con el cabello limpio. Yo sé, yo sé... se dice que es más facil trabajar con el cabello "sucio" pero porque esto es basicament una cola de caballo, no querés que tu cabello se ve acetoso... También se puede dejar el cabello suelto con este pompadour, lo que creo yo es más elegante aun.
Paso 2: Dividí una sección de cabello bastante grande en el parte de frente y medio de la cabeza. Yo uso solamente el cabello de encima de la cabeza, pero depende si vos tenés cabello fino o abundante lo cuanto que vas a necesitar.
Paso 3: Agarrá la sección de cabello y tirala para arriba y aplica spray o un gel. Pasá un peine por la sección y aplica spary otra vez. (No apliques mas gel) Quedate tirandola hasta que se seca el spary o gel.
Paso 4: En unos 10 centimetos del cuero cabelludo, empezá a girar los pelos a la derecha o a la izquierda. (Cada persona es diferente y va a quedar mejor más a un lado que el otro. Probá los dos.) Seguí girando la sección y moviendo el pedazo de cabello en un circulo hasta que los pelos están yendo para la dirección normal pero quedó un remolino en el frente.
Paso 5: Colocá invisibles justo atrás de donde separaste el cabello. También, yo coloco un invisible abajo del remolino donde nadie se ve pero le da más suporte a la pompadour.
Paso 6: Adjustá el remolino para darle más volumen y pasá más spray.
Paso 7: Alisá el cabello y poné en cola de caballo.
Si le ayudó las instrucciones, dejame un comentario, o mejor, unas fotos! Y se le gustaria ver un video, comentá también. Muchas gracias! Besitos!
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